Banish bugs once and for all. Whether you’re dealing with biting backyard insects or persistent house flies, this electric Bug Zapper from BLACK plus DECKER provides fast, reliable pest control with maximum coverage of up to 1000 sq. ft. The lantern’s long-lasting UV light emits a powerful glow-gentle to the eye, but tough on pesky bugs. Hang it or stand it up, relax, and enjoy your indoor or outdoor space while the machine works its zapping magic. Once the party is over, pull out the collection tray, empty it into the garbage, and use the provided brush to restore the grid to a pristine clean. Designed for optimal safety and energy efficiency, our high-powered killer can also withstand rain, wind, and most non-severe weather conditions. So what are you waiting for, another bite. Take back the night, and add a Bug Zapper to your cart today.
Protect your home from pests indoor led bug lure and glue trap acts as powerful attractant, catching house flies, mosquitoes, gnats, wasps and other flying and biting insects upon contact dependable coverage for areas up to 2 acres
7-Watt plug in bug trap eliminates flying insects
Removeable legs for standing use or hanging use
24/7 operation
1000 sq. ft. coverage area
Easy bulb replacement with BDPCA7W
6 ft. heavy-duty cord
Hanging chain included
Withstands rain, wind, and most non-severe weather
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